Meet Evelyn, a woman of insatiable curiosity and unquenchable thirst for knowledge, currently indulging in a racy novel. Her lover, Alexander, a man of equal parts intellect and desire, enters the room, his eyes immediately drawn to Evelyn’s flushed cheeks and the provocative book in her hand.
Alexander: Evelyn, you’re reading that again?
Evelyn: You know I can’t resist a good… story.
Alexander: And here I thought you were reading for the plot.
Evelyn: Oh, the plot’s not the only thing that’s thick and engaging.
Alexander: (smirking) Well, if you’re in the mood for something more… substantial, I have a few chapters of my own to share.
Evelyn: (smiling) I do love a good… chapter.
Alexander: (leaning in) And I love turning the pages with you.