Meet Mr. Thompson, a charismatic history teacher with a secret yearning for one of his students, the enigmatic and alluring Lily. Lily, a senior with a reputation for being untouchable, harbors a hidden desire for her teacher. Their worlds collide one evening in the dimly lit school library, setting off an explosive chain of events.
Mr. Thompson: Lily, what are you doing here at this hour?
Lily: I could ask you the same thing, Mr. T. I could’ve sworn I saw you leaving the faculty parking lot.
Mr. Thompson: I forgot my briefcase in the library. And you?
Lily: I was looking for a book to help with my history project. But now that you’re here… I have a different kind of project in mind.
Mr. Thompson: Lily, we can’t. It’s wrong, and it’s risky.
Lily: Wrong feels so right when I’m with you. And risk… I’ve always been a sucker for it. Besides, the library’s empty. No one will know.
Mr. Thompson: You’re playing with fire, Lily.
Lily: Then let’s burn together. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, Mr. T. I can’t help it if you’re irresistible.
Mr. Thompson: You’re making this very difficult, Lily. I’m trying to be responsible here.
Lily: I don’t want you to be responsible. I want you to be reckless. I want you to take me right here, right now, on this desk.
Mr. Thompson: You’re asking for trouble, Lily.
Lily: And you’re giving it to me, Mr. T. Now, are you going to talk me to death, or are you going to fuck me like you mean it?